Every figure has a diameter of appx. 15.7"
Así quedó una pared del cuarto de mi hija luego de que terminara de pintarle los Littlest Petshops que quería. Me divertí bastante haciendo este pequeño mural, y fue la primera vez que pinté en la pared de esta manera; a pesar de las pequeñas proporciones, tuve que hacerla de contorsionista varias veces: No es fácil pintar en la pared, mis respetos a los muralistas!
Small wall painting
The above photo shows how one wall of my daughter's bedroom ended after I finished painting the Littlest Petshops that she wanted. I had lots of fun making this wall painting, it was the first time I ever painted this way, and even though it wasn't big, I had to play contortionist many times: it's not easy to paint on a wall, my hat's off for the muralists!
Aquí unas fotitos que fui tomando mientras avanzaba, y en algunas aparece mi ayudante favorita (mi hija preciosa :)
Here are a few photos taken while I was working. My favorite helper (my beautiful daughter :) appears in a couple of them.