Quiero aprovechar para saludar y agradecer a todas las personas que visitan este pequeño blog, a mis amigos cibernéticos que dejan tan amables comentarios, y que me hacen sentir tan bien con su presencia :) No es muy mi estilo poner este tipo de cosas, pero hoy sentí que hacía falta...
The Shrink's corner
This is the sketch of the couch at the waiting room where my son has classes the afternoons, it's always unaltered because it's more used as a table or decoration than as a seat. Perfect to be a model. I finished it in less than four sessions. I like how it turned out. In one page of my small sketchbook (from A. Colbert & A. Gair's "The Sketchbook Kit", that my husband gave me a couple of years ago, and that I'm now using).
I want to say hello and thank all the people that visit this blog, my friends on the Web who leave very kind comments and who make me feel so well with their pressence :) It's not much of my style to include things like this, but today I felt 'the urge'...