Quiero aprovechar para saludar y agradecer a todas las personas que visitan este pequeño blog, a mis amigos cibernéticos que dejan tan amables comentarios, y que me hacen sentir tan bien con su presencia :) No es muy mi estilo poner este tipo de cosas, pero hoy sentí que hacía falta...
The Shrink's corner
This is the sketch of the couch at the waiting room where my son has classes the afternoons, it's always unaltered because it's more used as a table or decoration than as a seat. Perfect to be a model. I finished it in less than four sessions. I like how it turned out. In one page of my small sketchbook (from A. Colbert & A. Gair's "The Sketchbook Kit", that my husband gave me a couple of years ago, and that I'm now using).
I want to say hello and thank all the people that visit this blog, my friends on the Web who leave very kind comments and who make me feel so well with their pressence :) It's not much of my style to include things like this, but today I felt 'the urge'...
27 comentarios:
This is HOT!
You've been holding out on the blogosphere. You should show more of your sketches.
Nice sketch Carolina, I can see why you wanted to draw this - love that curvy frame! And yes, do you have some more sketches to show us? Would love to see them!
Hi there!!!!! I just posted a comment to your comment on my blog & here you are! GOOD JOB sketching! What a lady, waiting for her son & getting in some art! Just thinking about what your days might be like makes me want to take a nap! :-)
Ken B.
Hi Wil!
Thanks a lot! The thing is, I started showing the good ones, the others are not quite the same :(
I'll have to post them anyway because I'm not painting much lately... I have a lot of translations to do (yes, I do translations at home :.O)
Thanks again for stopping by!
Hi Janet!
Thank you very much :)
I have a couple more sketches, but I have started by posting the ones I consider better, so I hope I won't disapoint anyone later... I'll enjoy your kind words meanwhile!
Best regards,
Hi Ken!
I haven't checked your answer yet!
Thanks a lot for commenting, it means a lot :)
(I'll tell you a secret: Sometimes I do take a nap instead of sketching, I drive a lot everyday so sometimes my head goes in circles and I just have to turn off for a couple of minutes!)
Thanks again and best regards,
Muy bien Carolina veo que sigues practicando con tus bocetos en los ratos que te quedan de tus quehaceres. Es que las mujeres teneis tiempo para todo, os administrais el tiempo mejor que los hombres. Pero lo que queria decirte es que dominas la perspectiva y los tonos de las sombras. ¡ Quiero ver mas !
¡Hola Julián!
Gracias por tu amable comentario. Ya quisiera yo ser un poquito como lo que mencionas del general de las mujeres, eh? No es tan así, pero gracias de todas maneras :)
Ya voy a poner otros dibujos, que espero no decepcionen. Estoy un poco atareada con unos trabajitos (traducciones), ya tengo hasta fin de año, así que ... bueno, ya veremos.
Muchos saludos,
Estupendos sketches! Hay que coger ese hábito de reflejar lo que nos llama la atención, en cualquier sitio y ocasión. Es un trabajo muy importante para avanzar en pintura.
Hola Noemí :)
Gracias por tus palabras y por el consejo, yo lo estaba haciendo por relax y diversión, pero como tú bien dices, así se puede ir avanzando, poco a poco.
Mil gracias otra vez,
Hello, Carolina -- Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment. I will come back to visit your blog again -- very nice work!!
Fantastic looking chair and awesome shading!
:) Thank you so much for your birthday wish ^^ and your sweet comments. I really appreciate it~!
Hi Chris!
Thank you for stopping by. I'm honored you liked my work :)
Best regards,
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for your kind words :) Hope you had a nice bday!
Best regards,
Hola Omar,
Gracias a ti por pasar a este humilde blog, me honras con tu presencia. Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario :)
Muchos saludos,
Me intrigó en quée caees? qué es familiarrr? :P y al final te animaste a dar ese paso que querías daar? Te felicito por tu pancita!! ♥
Hola Lulet :)
Lo que pasa es que recién me dí cuenta, o pensé darme cuenta, que eras la Luly del blog pecesito, no? O me equivoqué?... sorry.
Ese paso, estaba relacionado con el colegio de mi hijo, una decisión complicada, pero aún no todo está terminado, así que hay que seguir esperando.
En la foto estoy lo más embarazada que he estado en mi vida, es de un día antes de dar a luz a mi hijo menor. Alguna cosa sicológica debe de haber para que yo haya escogido esa foto como mi avatar, pero todavía es un misterio para mí :)
Gracias por darte un tiempito y pasar por aquí.
Muchos saludos,
quise decir "pez azul" en vez de "pecesito"
Saludos :)
Wonderful sketch and such an interesting subject.
Thank you so much Barbara, I appreciate your words :)
Best regards,
Magnífico rincón para descansar ,con tus líneas y sombras me has transmitido mucha paz .
Nunca dejes de pintar todo lo que te inspira y déjate llevar como lo estás haciendo .
Un fuerte beso querida amiga .
This is a lovely drawing! You really have such a great ability to see form and shading. And you have reminded me how to use all of those little moments to practice drawing - I could be doing the same but am usually too shy to draw in front of others :-)
Hola Loli :)
Gracias por dejarme un comentario tan reflexivo. Trato, amiga, trato de dejarme llevar :)
Muchos saludos y gracias de nuevo,
Hi Ann :)
Thanks a lot for your kind words. I appreciate them.
I actually don't do this (yet) in front of people, I wait alone in this 'waiting room' so that makes it pretty simple. And other times I wait in the car, so I sketch things that I find inside or the car itself. I'll post one of those soon.
Thanks again and best regards :)
A really lovely sketch! Even in quiet waiting rooms I'm too nervous to sketch! I have that book and sketchbook too. The sketchbook is one of my faves (so I rarely use it in case I ruin it!) and the book is probably my favourite to look at when I need a quick 'pick me up', it's so simple and down to earth.
Hi Felicity :)
Thank you for your kind words, you lift my spirit :)
I actually am alone in that room, SO that really makes it easy.
But at ballet classes (my daughter's), I have started to sketch in front of everyone else, I think I'm turning into an exhibitionist ;o) Well, it's not really that crouded where I sketch, and I have a few understanding friends. I actually sketch and talk at the same time. I'm loving it!
The book is just what you say, simple and down to earth. I learned a lot from it (now you know how much I know :)
Thank you again and best regards,
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