martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Segundo óleo

Óleo sobre lienzo / Oil on canvas
Ejercicio / painting practice
15 x 15 cm / 6" x 6"

Estoy bastante decepcionada con este óleo. Lo hice en mi clase de pintura, y no lo he firmado porque la profesora ha puesto tantas cosas que no me da la cara para ponerle mi nombre.
En fin, era sólo un ejercicio, y me ha servido para practicar los medios tonos, que creo en algunas partes están bastante aceptables y en otras no tanto. Luego los brillos más grandes los puso la profa, y yo no estoy muy de acuerdo con ellos (el brillo del pie y del cuerpo del jarro), yo puse los brillos de los bordes, esos sí son totalmente de mi responsabilidad.
La textura de la madera tampoco es mía, pero sí el fondo y todas las capas de pintura de la sombra, excepto por la última que también es de la profa :)

Bueno, me voy, a ventilar apasionadamente mi frustración por otra parte!!

Second Oil

I am really dissapointed with this oil. I made it in my painting clases, and I haven't signed it because the teacher has put so much stuff herself that I am embarrassed to put my name as if it were mine. Anyway, it was just an exercise, and it was good to practice the mid values, that I think are quite acceptable in some parts and not so much in others. Then, the stronger lights were put by the teacher, and I am not completely in agreement with them (those on the base and on the body of the jar), I put the lights on the upper borders, those are of my sole accountability.
The wooden texture isn't mine either, but the background is as well as all the layers of paint in the cast shadow, except for the last one which is also the teacher's :)

Well, I'm gone, to passionately air my frustration somewhere else!!

24 comentarios:

Avocaken dijo...

Hi Carolina. Nice painting, even if your instructor had a hand in it. Hopefully you were able to see what he/she did and work on that. I really like the "found" (left) and "lost" (right) edges of the jar. It isn't the same with pencils - which do you think that you prefer? Or will you show us all up and master them both??? :-)

Talk to you later!
Ken B.

Lisa Daria dijo...

I think the background is really interesting, with the subtle shift in color from left to right - I also like the color palette used in the overall piece. . . nice composition w/the pottery shifted just a little out of the center to the left. . . I think even if the teacher put some marks in there, it's still yours. . .

Carolina dijo...

Hi Ken!
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate that :)
I hadn't noticed the edges thing you mention, but you're right, there they are!
So far, I have to admit that I am missing my cps. Can't say I hate oils, it's too soon to be that mean with them ;)
Thanks again,

Carolina dijo...

Thank you Lisa Daria for your kind comment. Thanks a lot for looking to my painting and giving me your detailed opinion. Whenever there is something you think you would have done differently, please let me know :) I'd appreciate that...
Thanks again for leaving a comment, I've been checking your blog and I like your paintings and relaxed-impresionistic-colorful style very much.
Best regards,

Wilfred dijo...

Almost missed this one and I'm glad I didn't!

You shouldn't be too hard on yourself, despite how much you think the teacher helped you on this image. Aren't they there for that exact purpose?

Keep chuggin' on and I look forward to your next image!

Janet Pantry dijo...

Hi Carolina! I like this painting -you did really well with it, even if you did get frustrated! (I know that feeling!). I, too, like the transition from light to dark in the background. Have just looked through all your work - some great stuff there, love the pencil work in particular. Looking forward to your next piece.

Ann dijo...

This is a nice painting, I like the colors used, but I see what you mean about questioning some of the decisions the teacher made for you. Every art teacher has something valuable that you can learn. Try not to be too hard on your work and just take everything you can learn from this teacher to use later in your own way, if that makes sense :-)
I really like your sketches below too, especially the breakfast tray with the notes, it has a wonderful feeling with writing all around the drawing.

Alex dijo...

Impressive! This is so realistic, and it makes me want to try out oil painting too :) I've never done it really, and I'd love to learn someday.

Loli Martinez dijo...

Carolina perdona por mi tardanza .
He ojeado los anteriores trabajos y son geniales .
No debes frustrarte , poco a poco te saldrán mejor los óleos .
Eres una mujer trabajadora , fuerte y perfeccionista ,¡¡¡ date tiempo !!.
Un fuerte beso amiga .

Carolina dijo...

Hi Wil!
You're right... I think I'll try to be relaxed next time a write a post <:P :)
Thanks a lot for stopping by, best regards,

Carolina dijo...

Hi Janet!
Thanks a lot for leaving a comment :) and for sharing that I'm not alone on that... (I feel a little silly by now)
Thanks for checking the previous posts, I'm so glad you found them interesting (I'm missing cps now, things are a little too busy these days to paint at home...)
Best regards,

Carolina dijo...

Hi Ann!
That makes sense! You are completely right, I guess I was being a little childish in this last post... I was just feeling that way and wrote what I felt, no filters. But you're absolutely right.
Thank you for your kind comments about the previous work too, you're so sweet :)
Best regards,

Carolina dijo...

Hi Alex!
Thanks a lot for your sweet comment, you make me blush!
You are a great graphite portrait artist, I don't see why you wouldn't make it as an oil artist, really, I think you have it :)
Best regards,

Carolina dijo...

¡Hola Loli!
Gracias por los ánimos, tú siempre me das el empujoncito que me hace falta :)
Gracias por tus lindas palabras.
Un beso,

jcp dijo...

You have a unique style of painting - very serene. And, I love your sketches . . . .

Carolina dijo...

Thanks a lot for your kind comment, means a lot :)
I love your blog too, it's lovely. Keep posting!
Best regards,

Lulet dijo...

No sé en qué será que tengas que poner en práctica el consejo de tu amiga; pero cualquier tipo de decisión que sea, es muy dificil. Así que te deseo lo mejor con eso y que estés bien, que es lo más importante. Muchos besos.

Carolina dijo...

¡Hola Lulet!
Gracias por pasar por mi blog y dejarme un comentario.
Me devano los sesos y no entiendo a qué te refieres, seguramente algo que debe estar por allí, pero ¡no lo recuerdo! ya serán los años, jejeje
¿Me avisas, por favor?
Un beso y gracias nuevamente,

PD: te dije que me encantó tu blog? me siento muy identificada con muchas de las entradas que has puesto... me quedo esperando el desenlace del último post.

Mar Varela dijo...

Carolina, a mi me gusta mucho y no te preocupes pues de todo se aprende en esta vida así que saca lo positivo de todo....
Un beso cariño

Carmen dijo...

¡Hola Carolina! Está muy lindo el óleo, y la luz en los bordes le da al jarrón mucha belleza...el azul con el marrón genial,un abrazo,


Carolina dijo...

¡Hola Mar!
Gracias, ya se me pasó la furia :):):), y claro, hay que sacar lo positivo, estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo.
Gracias de nuevo, y te dejo un fuerte abrazo!

Carolina dijo...

¡Hola Carmen!
Muchas gracias :) Gracias por notar el detalle de los brillos esos, jeje Gracias por todo el apoyo :)
Muchos saludos,

Sergio Klod dijo...

Salut Carolina. Je ne suis pas un expert, mais ta peinture me plaît.
C'est une étape seulement et tu es très jeune. Tu ne peux pas encore chercher la perfection. Ça viendra
sans doute.
Lo importante es que tú estás progresando y que sigues en carrera. Además, tu opinión también cuenta. Saludos

Carolina dijo...

Je cherche la perfection tout le temps, c'est peut être pour ca que je suis décue trop souvent...
Gracias por el comentario, me pones las cosas en perspectiva, eso siempre ayuda :)
Muchos saludos,

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