Estoy trabajando en casa, como suelo hacerlo normalmente que tengo algún encargo (traducciones), pegada a la computadora, avanzando y también revisando correos, blogs y el bendito facebook. No tengo mucho tiempo para pintar últimamente, así que hoy pongo algo que hice hace unos días. Estos dibujos son parte de las cosas que hago mientras espero a mis hijos. De los presentables, claro :) La suerte que tengo es que no hay gente alrededor y tengo cierta tranquilidad para hacerlos y no pasar por loca. Y a veces también hago algunos en el auto (la botella de alcohol la hice en el auto justamente, la otra a solas esperando).
Y tengo que anunciarlo oficialmente: me retiré de las clases de pintura :( No tengo suficiente tiempo ahora a finales de año, y quisiera también buscar algo un poco más "académico". Me da penita, pero, ni modo...
Gracias por estar allí :)

Alcohol Bottle and My Knee
I’m working at home, as I usually do when I have a commission (translations), glued to the computer, making progress and checking on mails, blogs and crazy facebook. I don’t find much time to paint/sketch lately, so today I’m posting something I did a few days ago. These sketches are part of the things I do while waiting for my kids. The ones that can be shown, of course :) I’m lucky there’s no one around and that I find quietness to make them and not being taken as a crazy lady. Sometimes I sketch while I wait in the car (the alcohol bottle was done there, the other sketch while waiting alone).
And I have to announce officially: I’m gone from painting classes :( I have not enough time at the end of the year, and I would also like to find something more “academic”. It’s sad, but, that’s the way it is…
Thanks for being there :)
Y tengo que anunciarlo oficialmente: me retiré de las clases de pintura :( No tengo suficiente tiempo ahora a finales de año, y quisiera también buscar algo un poco más "académico". Me da penita, pero, ni modo...
Gracias por estar allí :)

Alcohol Bottle and My Knee
I’m working at home, as I usually do when I have a commission (translations), glued to the computer, making progress and checking on mails, blogs and crazy facebook. I don’t find much time to paint/sketch lately, so today I’m posting something I did a few days ago. These sketches are part of the things I do while waiting for my kids. The ones that can be shown, of course :) I’m lucky there’s no one around and that I find quietness to make them and not being taken as a crazy lady. Sometimes I sketch while I wait in the car (the alcohol bottle was done there, the other sketch while waiting alone).
And I have to announce officially: I’m gone from painting classes :( I have not enough time at the end of the year, and I would also like to find something more “academic”. It’s sad, but, that’s the way it is…
Thanks for being there :)
18 comentarios:
HI!!! It seems that we're both "lurking" at each others' blog! That's a GOOD thing, I think. :-)
I have been looking for art (painting) classes that aren't "workshops". I feel that I need help with detailed textures - e.g. grass, pebbles in a path, leaves on the ground and etc. Until then I do the best that I can do - slowly improving but it's hard work sometimes.
Love your sketching. I tried to sketch not long ago. Used it to start the fire in our bar-b-que!
Talk to you later! Keep up the good work.
Ken B.
PS. Thanks for your comment on my blog about "context". I understand what the fellow is talking about - putting it into practice, though . . . . . ?
Hi Ken!
I'd love to attend to a workshop, something very specific... in addition to the more "academic" classes. Hope you can find what you want. So far, I haven't...
Thank you for your kind words, Ken. You pump up my ego and make this world look a lot better :)
You made me laugh with that about sketches and bbqs, come on!
And regarding the "context", I think you did just that on your last painting, you detailed many things that created the right context and the whole thing looked very real and familiar. IMHO :)
Thanks a lot again and best regards,
Great sketches, Carolina. The alcohol bottle is superb!
BUT, why do you have a alcohol bottle in your car? Especially one that doesn't look full. Have you been drinking and sketching?
Haces unos bocetos estupendos. Ya sabrás que la base de una pintura es un buen dibujo. No dejes de hacerlos, siento que hayas tenido que dejar las clases de pintura por falta de tiempo.
Tal vez deberias jugar menos al tenis en el Club de Regatas. Bueno esto es una de mis malditas bromitas.
Saludos y que no decaigas. ¡ Ánimo !
Hi Wil!
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your comments :)
Oh, you got me! hehe... good one!
That bottle is there to sanitize our hands if we are out and can't wash our hands, and it's not full... because we use it! Oh, you made me laugh big time!
Best regards
¡Hola Julián!
Gracias por tus palabras. La verdad me caen muy bien, no sabes :)
No sé qué les pasa hoy que están muy graciosos, no? Bueno, gracias por el buen humor que realmente es una vitamina para el alma, me has hecho reir bastante, me has sorprendido... pero lamento desilucionarte, no juego tenis, y no voy al Regatas :P
Gracias de nuevo y muchos saludos,
Hi Carolina, love those sketches, especially the one of you sitting and writing - unusual pose! My kids are grown up and in the 20's now but I remember waiting around for them a lot when they were little - you use your time very productively! Hope you find the course you want and please do keep posting your sketches when you can, we love to see them! :)
Hi Janet!
Thank you so much for saying that, you're so sweet :) I hope I'll find that course too, I think it will be next year, nov-dec is crazy and most of them are surely finishing.
The day I sketched my knee I had nothing else to look at, practically, so I decided to draw what I had closer... :O)
Thanks a lot again :)
Best regards,
Cariño me han encantado, sobre todo tus piernas mientras escribes, bueno es que eres estupenda.. una pena que hayas dejado las clases ya encontrarás tiempo más adelante...
Un beso desde España
Hola Mar,
Gracias, eres un amor de gente :)
Sí pues, una pena lo de las clases, pero una vez más tranquila seguiré buscando algo más cercano a lo que quiero.
Muchos saludos,
Hello Carolina,
Just to say will you check my bog, then you can see who won my give away.
I think of all the years I just could not find time to draw, one day you will have all the time in the world. All the little sketches are so valueable, helping you look at familiar objects, recording them. They will all play their part and contribute to your future art.
Hope you have a Happy weekend.
Milly :)
I've already checked your blog, I'm still jumping in one foot!!! (that's what we say when we're soooo happy :):):)
Thank you so, so much for that, I thind it's a good date to be lucky :)
Thanks so much too for your lovely comment, I think you're right, the kids grow fast and I'll surely have more time for myself later (that's a little scary too)...
Thanks again and I also wish you a happy weekend!
So pleased it made you happy to be the winner. Can you send me your address too. You asked for shells and ferns, not really season for ferns here, but I will see what I can do.
Best wishes milly
Hola Carolina,
Estes dias passei por aqui rapidinho para mostrar seu trabalho para uma amiga artista plástica... Ela adorou seu trabalho! Vi que já havia postado muitas coisas novas (acho que fico muito tempo sem aparecer rsrs)
Como sempre, tudo muito lindo por aqui!
Tenha um ótimo final de semana!
Hi Milly,
Whatever you do is more than fine with me :) really!
I have sent you my address through the mail on your website.
Thanks again!
Querida Dany :)
Sí, tanto tiempo sin tenerte por acá, ya te estaba extrañando :)
Gracias por pasar y por la delicadeza de mostrarle mi trabajo a tu amiga artista, es un lujo para mí.
Muchos saludos y gracias de nuevo,
Thankyou Carolina, it arrived safely.
So many things that I know and has yet to be learned from today
pengobatan gatal selangkangan obat penyakit demam kuning obat alternatif asma jual obat radang sendi cara mengobati polip hidung obat alergi obat sering buang air kecil obat lemak dalam darah obat penyakit darah kental cara mengobati tumor jantung cara mengobati luka lidah cara mengobati pilek menahun cara mengobati penyakit hepatitis b obat penyakit hepatitis kronis obat penyakit trigliserida
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